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  • A woman in a yellow tank top and a man in a green shirt with a baseball cap are outdoors, smiling and looking at each other against a clear blue sky. They appear to be enjoying a warm, sunny day.

    Healthy Mind and Body Tips During the Holidays

    Gain Strength

    October 15, 2019

    With the holiday season approaching, it’s important to practice healthy mind and body habits now. These self-care tips will start you off in the right direction and keep your goals...

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  • Various Orgain drink products, including Organic Protein, Organic Nutrition, and Orgain Clean Protein, are packed in ice. The labels highlight features like gluten-free, high protein content, and multiple vitamins. The ice keeps the drinks chilled.

    Everything You Need to Know About Cryotherapy

    Gain Strength

    July 09, 2019

    Cryotherapy is one of the latest modes of recovery that has the health and wellness world all a-flutter. But before you get swept up in the hype, or totally turned...

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  • A pregnant person, dressed in a light purple tank top and black leggings, is walking outdoors on a grassy area. They are carrying a green water bottle in their left hand and are wearing blue athletic shoes. The background features a beige brick wall.

    6 Best Summertime Activities for Healthy Mamas-to-Be

    Gain Strength

    June 30, 2019

    Have a wonderful, healthy summer, filled with fun ways to stay active as your bump grows… here are six of our faves!

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  • A person wearing black leggings and a bright green long-sleeve top bends down to tie their black running shoes on a paved path next to a body of water. A bottle of Orgain Organic Protein shake is placed on the ground nearby. The sun is shining brightly.

    5 Tips for Becoming a Workout Earlybird

    Gain Strength

    June 26, 2019

    The early bird gets the worm… and the earliest bird also squeezes in a workout. These five simple tips prove early morning workouts aren’t out of reach so you can...

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  • A carton of Orgain Organic Nutrition Vanilla Bean protein shake is placed between two rolled-up yoga mats, one green and one dark blue, against a white background. The protein shake carton displays key nutritional information and benefits.

    7 Best Poses for Mobility and Strength

    Gain Strength

    June 17, 2019

    Celebrate yoga’s powerful appeal, wisdom, and healing benefits with these seven poses to increase your mobility and flexibility this #InternationalYogaDay!

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  • Close-up of hands gripping green monkey bars in an outdoor playground, with a sunlit forest in the background. The person is wearing a beige watch, and there is playground equipment visible in the distance among the trees.

    20 Minute Playground Workout for Parents on the Go

    Gain Strength

    June 13, 2019

    Sidelining at the playground? Give the bench a break with this 20-minute workout to feel just as good as your kids after playing at the park!

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  • Person kneeling on grass, tying the laces of black athletic shoes. Next to them is a black and green shaker bottle with the text "Orgain" visible on its side, suggesting the person is preparing for a workout or exercise session.

    Redefine Dad Bod – 8 Moves to Keep Dads Healthy and Happy

    Gain Strength

    June 10, 2019

    Dad bods are bods that play, that teach, and that want to feel their best! Be the happiest healthiest Dad you can be with these 8 body weight moves to...

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  • a woman sitting on the grass holding an orgain organic nutrition shake

    Warm Weather Workouts to Spice Up Your Exercise Routine

    Gain Strength

    May 15, 2019

    Spring is here and just like all the new life pushing up from the ground, we are ready to be in the sun! It’s time to take your workout outside...

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  • A woman doing yoga on a mat in a bright, white room.

    5 Yoga Poses to Feel the Burn

    Gain Strength

    May 01, 2019

    For some of us, winter felt awfully long and cold this year. We’re ready to get fired up for spring with these yoga poses that warm and energize like the...

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  • orgain organic protein powder plus superfoods powder container next to a smoothie

    Superfoods 101

    Gain Strength

    May 01, 2019

    Ever wonder what makes superfoods so super? Let’s dig in to a few superfoods you’ll want on your plate and in your blender, stat.

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  • A pair of white athletic shoes are placed next to a white water bottle and a set of white earbuds on a green exercise mat.

    So, You Signed Up For Your First 5k, Now What?

    Gain Strength

    April 27, 2019

    So, you signed up for your first 5k but don’t know what comes next. With everything from how to begin training to fueling your body for a 5k, we’re here...

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