A tasty breakfast twist on a classic favorite! Combine your favorite fresh fruits with your kids’ favorite protein shake, and you’ve got a true breakfast of champions. Freeze, stick, and...
Be prepared to love this a latte because it is that morning goodness you've been looking for. Enjoy this golden almond latte each day with some added protein to kick...
Make a clean and smoothie start to the year with this protein-packed berrylicious beauty! Our Protein & Superfoods blend makes sure your smoothies are vegan-friendly, dairy-free, and organic.
This Vegan Spicy Spinach Artichoke Dip recipe is a savory, but healthy twist on the classic appetizer. Bookmark this side dish for the big game or any fun get together.
Add a vegan side dish to the Thanksgiving table this year with our flavorful yet simple Vegan Mashed Potatoes recipe. With roasted garlic and added protein, they can’t be beat.
Try these individual No-Bake Pumpkin Pies for a simplistic twist on the classic seasonal dish. It's the perfect dessert dish for your Thanksgiving meal or just to enjoy anytime!