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  • A kitchen cabinet with various items organized inside. On the left shelf, there are containers of protein powder. The middle shelf has sea salt, and various jars and spices are neatly arranged. To the right are more spices in a clear organizer.

    Healthy Grocery Girl for Orgain: Stocking A Healthy Pantry

    Weight Management

    January 08, 2017

    Stocking a Healthy Pantry By Megan Roosevelt, RDN and Founder of A well stocked pantry is key for whipping up healthy meals fast. In today’s post I am sharing...

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  • A bento box featuring compartments with brown rice, roasted chickpeas, black olives, and grated cheese, with a central container holding a yellow sauce. Next to it is a container with mixed green salad. The background is a white wooden table.

    Healthy Grocery Girl for Orgain: 5 Tips For Realistic Meal Prep

    Weight Management

    January 08, 2017

    Realistic Meal Prep Tips To Eat Healthy All Week By Megan Roosevelt, RDN and Founder of The benefits of meal planning include saving time during the week, saving money,...

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  • A person with long blonde hair smiles while holding a mason jar filled with a lemon beverage. They are standing in front of a white corrugated metal wall and wearing a white shirt.

    Healthy Grocery Girl for Orgain: 5 Lifestyle Habits For Weight Loss

    Weight Management

    January 03, 2017

    5 Lifestyle Habits for Healthy Weight By Megan Roosevelt, RDN & Founder of Healthy long-term weight loss is not a fast process, it is not really a process at...

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  • A carton of Orgain Organic Protein Almondmilk stands next to a glass bottle and a small mason jar filled with almond milk. In front, a white plate holds several rectangular nut and seed bars. A metal straw is placed in the mason jar.

    Healthy Grocery Girl for Orgain: Quick & Healthy Breakfast On-The-Go

    Weight Management

    December 30, 2016

    Quick & Healthy Breakfast On-The-Go By Megan Roosevelt, RDN and Founder of A busy schedule can make it difficult to eat healthy. Below are some quick & healthy breakfast...

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  • Two containers of Orgain Organic Superfoods powder are surrounded by assorted fresh produce, including carrots, asparagus, green bell peppers, kale, zucchini, apples, peaches, spinach, ginger, and blackberries. The background is a light-colored surface.

    How to Eat for Healthy Hair & Skin

    Weight Management

    December 30, 2016

    How to Eat for Healthy Hair and Skin What’s on your plate not only determines your weight, energy levels and internal health, but also your outer glow. Want healthier skin...

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  • A woman in a white dress joyfully tosses a yellow bell pepper in a modern kitchen with white cabinets and a stove.

    Healthy Grocery Girl for Orgain: Mindset Shifts for Healthy Weight Loss

    Weight Management

    December 29, 2016

    For the month of January, Orgain has partnered up with RD, Dietitian and Wellness expert Megan Roosevelt to help you on your healthier eating and weight loss journey. For her...

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  • white bowl containing a salad

    Healthy Grocery Girl for Orgain: Foods To Support Digestion & Reduce Bloating

    Weight Management

    December 19, 2016

    Foods To Support Digestion & Reduce Bloating By Megan Roosevelt, RDN & Founder of Digestion is an important body process, by which our food is broken down and absorbed...

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  • A wooden bowl of smoothie topped with sliced bananas, raspberries, goji berries, and shredded coconut, placed on a light-colored cloth next to a wooden spoon. The smoothie is pink, and the toppings are neatly arranged in rows.

    Manage Weight Organically

    Weight Management

    February 29, 2016

    How are your #HealthySolutions progressing? If one of your goals for 2016 (and beyond) is weight loss, you’re not alone! Losing weight is the #1 resolution made in the U.S....

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  • Two baseball players celebrate a victory. One player holds a trophy and raises it triumphantly while being doused with water from a red cooler by the other player. They are on a baseball field with a blue sky and clouds in the background.

    5 Things that Don’t Belong in Your Sports Drink

    Weight Management

    August 24, 2015

    When working out, sweating in the summer sun, or trying to feel better after a cold or stomach bug, lots of us reach for bottled sports drinks. Sweet and colorful,...

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