Between the morning carpool, afternoon practices, meal prep, laundry, and oh yeah, work—it can be easy for parents to let basic health goals fall by the wayside. Have no fear parental units, we’ve created a list of top tips to help you squeeze in that morning workout and fuel your body the right way in order to show up your best.

Protein is a parent’s best (fuel)
Every inch of our bodies is made up of chains of proteins; so it only makes sense that we need to continue to thoughtfully fuel ourselves with the cleanest possible protein in order to keep up with the demand of busy parenting. For our constantly on-the-go moms and dads we recommend keeping a stash of Orgain’s Organic Protein Bars on hand for in between meetings or waiting in the pick up line at school. With 10 grams of protein and 100% plant based ingredients you’ll feel nourished without feeling weighed down.

Collagen-to keep those muscles moving
Orgain Collagen Peptides are designed for on-the-go, busy people who are looking to optimize their clean protein while supporting bone and joint health. By including collagen in your daily routine you’re not only protecting your muscles and bones, but many people are reporting that collagen helps with hair, skin, and nail health. Bonus! Collagen is taste and odorless, mixing perfectly into your morning coffee or favorite green smoothie. Looking to incorporate it into more of your clean eating routine? Try our Collagen Green Goddess Dressing recipe.
Let’s get physical
You don’t need 30 minutes or even 15 minutes to keep your body in tip top shape. According to fitness coach and mom Jillian Michaels, all you need is one minute. Watching TV while you meal prep? As soon as those ads pop on kick your butt into high gear with Jillian Michaels’ One Minute Workout for Busy Moms (and Dads!). This 10 second interval workout is a great example of how you can snag those spare minutes for something that is just for you. It’s also a great reminder that you don’t need an expensive gym membership or state of the art equipment to stay in shape.
Make it a family affair
Instead of trying to find time to exercise away from the craziness of your loving family, why not embrace it?! Activities such as swimming, biking, and even sweeping and vacuuming around the house are great physical activities that the whole family can partake in. Sign up for a family membership at your local YMCA and hit the pool. It’s the perfect way to strengthen those muscles, while tiring out the kids before dinner time. Missing your weekend Farmers Markets and the joy of grocery shopping outdoors? Bundle up and secure a couple baskets on the front of the family bikes and head to the grocery store. Viola! Shopping a la exercise. Now that the weather is getting more brisk try encouraging your children to help with chores around the house. It will keep the whole family moving and trust us, their future college roommates will thank you for teaching them about tidying up.
Stay hydrated!
It seems like a no brainer, but when you’re running from one after school activity to the next it’s easy to forget that a big part of staying properly fueled includes staying properly hydrated. According to Healthline the average adult should be consuming anywhere from 9 to 13 glasses of water a day depending on your sex, age, and activity level. One way to keep up with the recommended amount of H2O consumption is by making sure you have a reusable water bottle on you at all times. Even better, keep a few on hand. A smaller water bottle that fits inside your purse or briefcase, one at your desk in the office and one to keep in the car for on-the-go hydrating. When you feel your energy lagging reach for that liquid fuel! We know life gets in the way of life sometimes and staying on track isn’t always easy, but we hope these simple tips and tricks will keep you powering through this Fall.