A tipped-over glass jar spills multicolored gummy candies onto a white cloth with yellow stripes. Next to it is a black container of Orgain Collagen Peptides powder.

Collagen for Weight Loss: Can These Peptides Help?

The question of “how to lose weight” is among the top search engine queries year after year. It is no surprise considering that obesity numbers in the U.S. continue to rise.

Of course, weight loss is about more than shedding pounds. At the end of the day it is about feeling good, learning new healthy habits and ditching unhealthy. It is about weight management — or better yet, health management.

The secret to weight loss is simple: There is no secret. It takes commitment and tons of self-monitoring. It takes hard work and a clean diet — gotta get those macros in order.

Recently, in the conversation surrounding weight loss and nutrition, the question of collagen has emerged. Can collagen peptides help you lose weight?

So, What’s the Big Deal with Collagen?

Collagen has received a lot of attention in the supplement world as of late. But what’s the deal? Is it worthy of acclaim? What makes it any different from all the other protein options that line the supplement rack?

Well, a lot actually.

Collagen, Not Your Typical Protein

Collagen is more than a popular supplement. In fact, it is doing its work inside your body as we speak. Collagen is one of the most prevalent forms of protein in the body; it kinda holds everything together, in a manner of speaking.

It is known for being a structural protein. Although it is produced naturally by the body, it is all consumed through animal foods — the connective tissue especially.

We have to be careful not to get too far into the chemistry weeds because collagen is actually quite complex. It is found in 28 different types, denoted as types I to XXVII. Each type of collagen is made up of different peptide bonds of amino acids.

Why is collagen important?

As mentioned, collagen is a structural protein. In the body, it is regarded as one of the major building blocks for connective tissues and is found in bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. It even has a role to play in your skin, hair, and nails.

Think of collagen as the protein glue holding all these systems together. The most abundant collagen types in the body are Type I and Type III. These are also the most common types found in supplements (hydrolyzed collagen) and therefore, more heavily researched.

Collagen peptide protein for skin health.

This is probably its main claim to fame. Collagen supplements have been found to be quite useful in skin health — a strong ally against aging. Research has shown its benefits lie in improving skin elasticity, hydration, density, and roughness.

What sets collagen apart from other proteins?

Collagen protein is not like other forms and types of protein. Most are familiar with whey and casein proteins, they are typically the most popular forms caked inside of shaker bottles. Other forms include plant-based combination proteins that contain pea and brown rice proteins.

But collagen is not like the rest, its peptides and amino acid profile sets it apart. Collagen peptides do provide essential amino acids; eight to be exact. However, its lack of the ninth — tryptophan. This makes its amino acid profile incomplete.

Collagen Peptides for Weight Loss

We have seen its role in the body and its health benefits in regard to skin health — but what about weight loss?

Understanding Weight Loss

Unfortunately, weight loss gets overcomplicated. At the end of the day it comes down to one simple formula: Calories in versus calories out.

Simple, right? We wish. The fact is, those calorie choices matter. Exercise is tough too. But proper diet and nutrition can be a bit more complex. In regard to diet, it comes down to the big three: Protein, carbohydrates, and fats. The macro trifecta.

Keto, a promising choice.

Keto is one popular diet option that has proven successful for quite a lot of people. Its main focus is high-fat, low-carb, and moderate protein — 70% fats; 5% carbohydrates; 25% protein ratio.

We don’t time to dive into the nuisances any further, so let’s make it really simple:

  • Low-carb vegetables — good
  • Refined carbohydrates, sugars, and processed food — really bad

Three Reasons Collagen Peptides Are Good for Weight Loss

So, are collagen peptides good for weight loss? The short answer is yes. But here are three reasons why:

Reason #1: Collagen peptides promote satiety.

Satiety and satiation are big fancy words for feeling full; satisfied, stuffed, stick-a-fork-in-me I’m done. But that makes sense. One of the roles of calorie-dense protein is to help keep bodies feeling full.

Collagen protein is oh so clean; a pure protein shot.

One research study looked at the effects of collagen on hunger hormones, they found that collagen intake greatly increased the satiety hormone — glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1). Feeling fuller means eating less.

Reason #2: Collagen supports the increase of muscle mass and strength.

Yes indeed, collagen peptides can help grow (muscles) while helping you glow, too. A placebo-controlled research study found that the combination of collagen peptide supplements and weight training increased muscle mass and strength among recreationally active men.

Why is that important? Simply put, an increase in lean muscle mass puts your metabolism (fat burning capability) in overdrive. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn.

But here is a tip: Don’t pay attention to the scale as much as paying attention to how you feel and look. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat. You may lean out even if the scale doesn’t move as much as you’d like it to.

Reason #3: Collagen is low-carb, no carb actually.

The third and final reason that collagen peptides are good for weight loss is the fact that they do not possess carbohydrates. Some carbs can contribute to weight gain, especially refined carbs.

Carbs get converted to glucose for energy, unused glucose is then stored as glycogen. If more is consumed then can be stored if it is converted to fat for long-term energy storage. Collagen takes carbs completely out of the equation.

Good, Clean Collagen Is the Way To Go

If you want to give collagen peptides a go, it is best to use them alongside other proteins, not as a meal replacement in and of themselves.

If you want to keep things low-carb, then Orgain’s Keto Plant Protein™ would be the way to go. Coupled it alongside the Keto Collagen Protein powder, 10g of collagen protein in one scoop, and you have a match made in heaven.

Here are few tips for taking your collagen:

  • Mix it with morning coffee. Add two scoops of collagen peptides with MCT oil to get your morning off on the right foot.
  • Try it in a tea of your choice. Bedtime teas like chamomile work well.
  • Add it to a smoothie or a post-workout supplement shake.

Remember, weight loss is about more than a scale, it’s about a healthier life. Set your goals, be realistic about them, get some accountability, and make it happen. And some collagen wouldn’t hurt either.


The Collagen Family

A Collagen Supplement Improves Skin Hydration, Elasticity, Roughness, and Density: Results of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Blind Study

Oral ingestion of a hydrolyzed gelatin meal in subjects with normal weight and in obese patients: Postprandial effect on circulating gut peptides, glucose and insulin

Effects of 12 Weeks of Hypertrophy Resistance Exercise Training Combined with Collagen Peptide Supplementation on the Skeletal Muscle Proteome in Recreationally Active Men

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