Rocky Road Chickpea Raw Cookie Dough

Rocky Road Chickpea Raw Cookie Dough

Cook Time: 20 mins

Serves: 4



  1. Rise and drain chickpeas.
  2. In a food processor, blend chickpeas, Orgain Vanilla Protein Powder, vanilla extract, and maple syrup. 
  3. Transfer mixture to a bowl and fold in the cookie dough with marshmallows, chopped walnuts, and chocolate chips. 
  4. Chill in the refrigerator for 10 – 15 minutes before enjoying!

Featured Product

Front of Organic Protein Plant Based Protein Powder - Vanilla Bean Flavor in the 2.03lb Canister Size

Organic Protein™ Plant Based Protein Powder - Vanilla Bean

Vanilla Bean

Our Classic Vanilla Bean flavored Protein Powder.

This organic, Plant-Based protein powder has been a fan flavorite for years and easily mixes into shakes, baked goods and more.
