dragon fruit smoothie next to orgain vanilla protein powder

Dragon Fruit Smoothie

About this Recipe

Are you looking for a refreshing and nutritious smoothie recipe to start your day off right? Look no further than this delicious Dragon Fruit Smoothie! Packed with protein, vitamins, and antioxidants, this smoothie is sure to become a new favorite in your morning routine.



  1. Blend all ingredients together and serve immediately. Enjoy!

*original recipe made with Organic Protein™ Plant-Based Protein Powder, Vanilla Bean

Featured Product

Front of Organic Protein Plant Based Protein Powder - Vanilla Bean Flavor in the 2.03lb Canister Size

Organic Protein™ Plant Based Protein Powder - Vanilla Bean

Vanilla Bean

Our Classic Vanilla Bean flavored Protein Powder.

This organic, Plant-Based protein powder has been a fan flavorite for years and easily mixes into shakes, baked goods and more.
