A woman stands in a modern kitchen, smiling while holding a shaker bottle and a container of protein powder labeled "Orgain Keto." She is preparing a smoothie next to a compact blender. Nearby, there is a laptop and a notebook on the counter.

Why Am I Not Losing Weight On Keto? 4 Reasons Why Keto Might Not Work For Everyone

While the ketogenic diet can offer plenty of health benefits, including jump started weight loss, it may not be the best choice for everyone alike. The truth is, no two bodies are exactly the same, therefore one method of weight loss may not work in the same ways for two different people.

Because the ketogenic diet centers around restricting the amount of carbs you are eating and focusing instead on upping your consumption of fats and protein, it is highly possible that it might not give you the results you are looking for.

So, why exactly is the keto diet working against you? Let’s get into the top 4 reasons why the ketogenic diet might not work for everyone, or why it may not be giving you the desired results.

1. You Might Be Eating Too Many Carbs for Keto

Yes, unfortunately you read that right. In order for the ketogenic diet to really truly kick in, you have to drastically reduce the amount of carbohydrates you consume every day.

More specifically, only about 5% of your total caloric intake every day should be coming from carbohydrates while on the keto diet. This is because the metabolic state of ketosis only kicks in when you are consuming this tiny amount of carbs, and ketosis is what makes the keto diet effective.

That being said, if you are having some difficulty limiting your carbohydrate intake so drastically when you first start the keto diet, you are totally not alone. This is normal, and it is also okay if you never are able to cut down your carbs all the way to 5%.

The fact of the matter is that this just might not be realistic for all of us, and there is nothing wrong with that.

That being said though, if you have your mind set on sticking with the keto diet, it might help for you to keep a meal tracker so that you can easily spot any culprits of your carb overload. This way, it will be easier for you to find ways to swap out those food items for something more keto-friendly.

2. You Might Not Be Making the Best Food Choices

One of the most important things to take into consideration when it comes to the keto diet is the kind of keto-friendly foods you are eating.

Yes, a lot of processed foods or tasty cheese products are technically keto-friendly, but this does not mean they should be making up the bulk of your diet. Indulging in too many snack foods and packaged junk between meals or eating these processed foods instead of opting for healthier whole food alternatives can definitely halt your progress.

Additionally, there are plenty of highly convenient, quick foods that are keto-friendly… but again, not the healthiest. This includes things like hot dogs and fast food, and they are big contributors to slowed progress. This is because these kinds of foods are not nutrient-dense, meaning they are high in calories but do not contain the vitamins and minerals that would balance things out.

In order for the keto diet to be optimized, it is best to stick to whole foods, unprocessed foods, and nutrient-dense foods. Swapping out fast foods or junk food snacks with things like eggs, avocado, and healthier oils can make a world of difference.

3. Protein May Be to Blame

We know it can be confusing, but eating too much protein while on the keto diet may be to blame for your stalled progress. It is easy to think that a successful keto diet probably consists of low carbs and high protein, but this is not exactly the case.

The ideal scenario for keto is to have a diet that consists of 55-60% healthy fats, which only leaves around 35% for protein if we take the 5% of carbs into consideration. So, if it sounds like you may be eating too much protein, you really might be.

We understand that it can be a little bit tough to keep track of the perfect keto percentages, so it might be helpful to incorporate a keto-friendly protein powder into your diet to lessen some of the guesswork.

Orgain’s Keto Collagen Protein Powder is a keto-friendly way to get your protein kick, with one serving offering 10 grams of protein, 3 grams of carbs, and 5 grams of fats. You can also opt for our Keto Plant Protein™ Organic Keto Protein Powder, which boasts 10 grams of protein, 15 grams of carbs, and 13 grams of fat per serving so that you can find your perfect balance.

Plus, you can rest assured knowing that Orgain is committed to clean, delicious nutrition with high-quality ingredients so that our best efforts can help you work towards your best self.

4. Your Hormones Are Causing You Trouble

Interestingly enough, your hormones could actually be the cause of your troubles. The most common problem related to hormones is, believe it or not, stress!

When you are stressed out, it impacts your hormones, and your hormones largely control your weight.

When certain hormones are thrown off balance -- mainly progesterone, estrogen, cortisone, and insulin -- weight loss may become highly difficult, or even impossible, regardless of your diet. When you are stressed, cortisol is released, which can increase your heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar. If you are constantly stressed, this results in a continuous release of cortisol, and your body is no longer able to keep up.

If keto is not working for you, take a look at the stressors in your life.


The ketogenic diet can offer plenty of great health benefits, and may even be an effective way to jumpstart your weight loss journey. That said though, it may not be the ideal diet for everyone, and there are several factors that can render keto useless.

The keto diet relies on a specific balance between carbs, protein, and fat, with fats taking up the bulk of your caloric intake each day. If you are consuming too many carbs or too much protein, ketosis will not be reached, meaning keto likely will not bring the results you want.

Additionally, eating the wrong kinds of foods, even if they are keto-friendly, can stall your progress, and persistent stress or stressors in your life may also be to blame. By and large, in order for keto to be effective, you should keep your caloric intake in check by tracking meals, if necessary, and try to lessen your stress as much as possible.

Focusing on whole foods and healthy fats can also help ensure that your progress is not being interrupted by your food choices.

Finally, stress can result in a whole slew of hormones working against your weight loss efforts, so minding your stressors and taking time for healthy coping practices like exercise and self care can make a huge difference.

These four factors can all largely impact the effectiveness of the keto diet for you. If you are not seeing the results you desire, considering keto within these four contexts may be able to help you identify the problem and get back on track (or on a new track!).





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